Saturday, 16 November 2013

League 6

Final results from the UK league for F5B and Dynamics.

We had a very good day today. It did threaten to rain but luckily it stayed away once 9:00 arrived. A bit of wind cross course but nothing like we have had in the past. 

Only 6 pilots today  Any suggestions for getting more people involved?

Today was crunch day for the 3rd position in the league. Joe was in prime position and Mark needed to have more than 98.x% points to move up.

Steve and Dick flew solid leg scores - Dick having decided that his practice flight on Thursday using all motor in one climb wasn't advisable. Tony had a few issues with the power plant in his plane. It would run for about 1 sec at a time then cut out. Alan flew an opening 46 legs got the duration and landing. Joe flew 44 with duration and landing. All pressure on Mark who came storming out with some amazingly fast 4 leggers - then a cut at B and didn't go back..... a few stern words from the timer after a slow next 4 and he was back on step. He flew a 45 (could have been 47) then needed to get duration and landing which he did with no trouble.

Round 2 started with Steve changing to the saw tooth prop to get more go which kicked him up to 43 legs. Dick having had a trimming flight with the Jeti TX in Rd1 was flying very smoothly with 42 legs. Unfortunately he limited and landed early. Alan flew a slow 44 legs wondering why the plane wouldn't go as fast as Rd1..... Joe came out and flew a 45 then limited in duration with about 2 mins to go. Mark flew another solid 44 legs with duration and landing. 

During the gap between the rounds Alan flew the e-schwing from With approx 1600W setup it flew to 28 legs with a very interesting snap roll at base B 

So all down to Rd3. Tony flew his low power setup very smoothly to post 28 legs.
Steve posted 43 legs and then went into orbit for the rest of the flight. Landed beautifully on 10 dead in the center spot. Dick's Jeti TX was coaxing him to fly faster and faster as after each climb it announces the last set time. Starting at 19sec and down to 17 mid flight. Alan flew 46 and then tried hanging around in the sky. All of a sudden the plane stopped responding to control inputs normally. After a few minutes of the plane hoping around the sky it arrived smoothly on the ground. Doing a range check we found that one of the aerials wasn't picking up a signal any more - hence the very scary behaviour. Joe flew the B12 putting in very tight turns at Base B and gaining time until a cut at B resulted in 44 legs. Mark came storming out with his very fast 4s which resulted in 46 legs. Knowing he was tight on motor run resulted in various worrying moments at low altitude by flying too slowly.

At the end of the day we tested the Dynamic by shortening the course to 100 and 75m. The aim being to get 4 legs in approx 30 seconds. There didn't appear to be much between the distances in terms of time so we have decided to set the distance at 100m for next year. This can be refined if necessary over the next year.

Results for today are
1. Alan - 2000.0
2. Mark - 1998.1
3. Steve - 1971.9

2013 F5B League placings
1. Alan - 500
2. Steve - 496.36
3. Mark - 492.60

2013 Dynamic League placings
1. Simon - 297.81
2. Andy H - 100
3. Andy S - 96.17

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